Home Loans
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GEN:NZ listed on NZSX
About Us
General Capital Limited is a financial services group listed on the NZX Main Board (NZSX).
General Capital trades under the code GEN:NZ. Shares can be traded through any NZX participant and many Investment Advisers both in New Zealand and also International Stock Brokers and advisors with New Zealand associates.
General Capital has 2 wholly owned subsidiaries:
General Finance Limited.
General Finance is a Non-bank Deposit Taker. It accepts deposits from the public and it lends funds to borrowers secured over residential property.
General Finance has a separate Board of Directors with only the Managing Director, Brent King serving on both General Finance Ltd.’s and General Capital Ltd.’s Boards.
Further information can be found at:
Investment Research Group Limited. (IRG)
IRG is a research house and a firm of Investment Bankers.
IRG offers research on individual companies and has published 46 editions of the very popular IRG Yearbook.
IRG is an NZX Sponsor. Management of IRG have listed companies and or been a Director of companies on all Equity Boards of NZX. This includes NZSX, NZAX, NCM, and NXT.